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Printing is possible only using the PDF button:

View the results

All search results are presented in the form of lists with several sorting options and direct links to index cards, plans, photos or other lists. All results are downloadable.

Tables of results with pagination

All search results are displayed as a table.

At the top of the table, the number of results as well as a pagination are displayed. A search results page contains a maximum of 75 results displayed as lines. Clickling on the page numbers enables you to view further results.

Each line of the table corresponds to a result, whereas the columns provide a first level of information on the results. This will help you to select the search result(s) among all suggestions.

Sort the results

Some column headers display links that enable you to classify the results of the table in ascending or descending order. Each column has its own order.

For instance, sorting the column "No. of Locations" enables you to display all results relating to the number of Locations on the Site in ascending or descending order.

Tip: If you sort a column, Codata Explorer sorts all the results of your search, not only the 75 results of the displayed page.

Modify a search

At any time, it is possible to restore your initial search. To do this, you have to scroll the search units down by clicking on the link "V" in the top right corner of the page title.

You will thus be able to change the search criteria of each units and start a new start.

Access an Index card

For each five search engines offered by Codata Explorer, the tables of results provide you with links to Index cards (for example to a Location Index card or to a Retailer Index card).

Tip: It is easy to navigate from one concept to another. For instance, when you perform a Sites search, it is possible to have access straight away to the Project Index card of a Site via the link that can be found in the column "Project" of the table of results.

Consult a map

Maps can be accessed from every table of search results by means of one of the two following pictograms:

  • : this pictogram appears on the top of each table of results and displays a map with all search results (adapted zoom level)
  • : this pictogram appears in the tables of results and it displays a map centered on only one search result (a Location, a Site, a Project).

Select a link

Codata Explorer is designed to help you find quickly the piece of information you are looking for. Many links enable you to navigate from one concept to another. They can be found in the tables of search results.

For instance, in the Sites search, the link "No. of Locations" enables you to straight away access the search results in terms of Locations for this specific Site. Thus, you view all Locations of this Site.

Download and print

Depending on your search, buttons located under the table of results enable you to download the list of results or to export data in a standard format.

You only have to choose between the PDF list or the XLS data and to follow the given procedure. The PDF downloading functionality varies depending on your browser configuration.


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