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Printing is possible only using the PDF button:

Consult an Index card

The same structure for all Index cards

All Index cards present the same design: title, a first unit of information, then additional units of information.

Some Index cards also include tables that can be sorted and that offer links to access further detailed information.

All Index cards can be downloaded and printed. Some allow data download.

Select a link

Codata Explorer is designed to help you find quickly the piece of information you are looking for. On the Index cards, you will find many links that enable you to access further information. These links are sometimes displayed as pictograms.

Export the Index card in PDF format

At the bottom of the page, a button enables you to export the Index card in PDF format. You only have to click to get a PDF copy of the Index card (the functionality varies depending on your browser configuration).

For some Index cards, the same functionality exists for the export of Graphs. A specific button points it out.

Download data of the Index card

Some Index cards also provide tables with figures (for instance, Index cards of detailed Statistics). A specific button enables data export. If you click on it, you will be able to carry out this operation on one or several units of information of your choice.

Go back to the previous page / to the search results

At the bottom left of the page of each Index card, there is a grayed out button that enables you to go back to the previous page.

This button enables you to move one page backward in your browsing history just like the "delete" key or the left arrow button of your browser.


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