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Know a Service Provider?

The search engine allows you to select service providers according to multiple criteria: name, group, legal name, contact details, activities, countries where the service provider operates etc.

With an example, let's discover the features of a service provider in Codata Explorer.

The first result displays the list of service providers corresponding to the search.

Let's choose one of them.

Information common to all countries

On the service provider index card, information common to all countries appears first: logo, activities, website and a possible comment.

A tab is available for each country listed by Codata where the service provider is present.

Information specific to each country where the service provider operates

You have the addresses of the offices as well as the names of the people in charge of commercial real estate and relationships with retailers. In most cases, you also have their direct phone number and email address.

For shopping centre owners, managers or leasing agents, you can display in one click the list of sites where the service provider is active in the chosen country.

Link to the list of sites where the service provider operates

You get the number and the list of sites where the service provider is active.

By clicking on the link "Display these Sites on a map", you open the cartographic interface at the adequate zoom level.

All you need to do is use the option to display sites and you get the establishment map of the service provider in the chosen country.

Compile your presentation report

All available data, all lists and all maps can be downloaded in PDF format. Thus, Codata Explorer gives you the opportunity to compile your presentation reports and to customise them by integrating the lists, index cards and visual effects of your choice.
You can also download data in XLS format. This will enable you to treat it differently and/or import it in your own databases.
If you need help regarding download, see "Data download".

A whole presentation report can be made for a service provider with Codata Explorer.
This report will include the service provider index card, the names and contact details of the people in charge of real estate or relationships with retailers, as well as the list and map of the establishments in each country.


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