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Our data collectors-managers survey the territory year after year using the same collection rules everywhere. This method allows data to compare data between commercial sites but also over time.

Locations - Field censuses

The Codata database of locations comprises first and foremost field censuses carried out by the team of data collectors trained by Codata.
In France, Belgium and Luxembourg, all the Commercial Sites referenced by Codata are updated annually. In other countries, censuses take place "on demand" and the latest census year is indicated on the "Coverage" page of the Codata Corporate website.
In any case, the last two census dates are indicated at the top of the Sites index Cards and Shops Statistics Index Cards.

Locations - Exhaustive censuses

For each commercial site, Codata has defined a census perimeter that includes all main axes. It is defined largely enough to allow the user to understand the retail organisation within this perimeter. Censuses are exhaustive within the defined perimeters. This means that all units are analysed and taken into account, whether they are occupied or not by a shop and whether the shop belongs to a network or is independent.

Locations - Additional censuses

In order to complete the locations database, additional censuses are carried out in addition to the annual field visits in the defined perimeters. The aim of these additional censuses is to list and geolocate the shops that belong to distribution chains. In each country, these additional censuses are first of all carried out for retailers intending to play the role of an anchor store: food, DIY and department stores. They are then extended to other types of retailers.

Commercial projects – Field censuses and Annual programme of data collection

Codata identifies Projects during field censuses carried out by its team of data collectors and/or thanks to the daily work of the support team. This specialised team works on the basis of an annual programme and ensures information monitoring on commercial Projekts in the 10 countries studied by Codata.

Retailers - Annual programme of data collection

The Codata database of retailers is compiled by a specialised team. On the basis of an annual programme, this team is assigned with the update of every retailer index card.

Service providers - Annual programme of data collection

The Codata database of service providers is compiled by a specialised team. On the basis of an annual programme, this team is assigned with the update of every service provider index card. The team is also responsible for linking the sites, on which the service provider operates as owner, investor, developer, leaser, manager or advisor, to the service provider index card.


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