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Printing is possible only using the PDF button:

Consult and use a Map

Most of the data you see on the screen can be downloaded. Different formats are available depending on the type of information: PDF, XLS, JPEG, PNG.

Opening of the map

There are several ways to access the cartographic interface

From the thumbnail "Maps" of the main menu

From the list of Sites or the list of Projects

From the list of Locations

By clicking on one of the following links "Display these Sites on a map", "Display these Locations on a map" or "Display these Projects on a map".


There are several ways to zoom in / out

  • The small ruler - The zoom level can be modified any time using the small ruler in the top left-hand corner. Zoom levels go from 1 to 17, from the country to the cadastral parcel.

  • The scroll wheel - Place the mouse pointer on a spot of the map and quickly scroll the mouse wheel. That way, you will zoom in precisely on this spot of the map.
  • The keyboard + the mouse - It is possible to zoom in on the area of your choice. Keep the shift key pressed down and select the area of your choice by clicking on the left button of your mouse. This will allow you to draw a frame that will bring you straight to the previously defined area. Only one Codata credit will be deducted. Here is the detailed procedure:
    • When you press down the shift key, the pointer of your mouse turns into a cross

    • When you click on the left button of your mouse, a red point appears in the cross

    • Move the mouse to draw a red rectangle/square that corresponds to your search

    • Release the mouse and the shift key. The map will automatically focus on the area you have selected with the corresponding zoom level.


Codata Explorer offers many tools to help you optimise your use of maps.


This menu enables you to add markers of Locations and/or Sites and/or Projects on the displayed map. Regarding Locations, you may select some Locations that match your search by ticking the boxes of your choice.

If need be, you may also display the out of criteria data of your search.

Thematic map

This menu enables you to add pictograms on the map. They correspond to one of the following choices:

  • The activity of the Location(s) according to Codata list of activities
  • The option "New" to display the Location(s) that has/have experienced a shift of occupier between the second to last and the last census
  • The option "Retailer" to display the Location(s) that is/are occupied by a Retailer
  • The option "Vacancy" to display the Location(s) that is/are empty.

Personalised annotations on the maps

This menu allows you to add personalised symbols and texts on the map. It also allows you to circle or highlight the elements you wish to bring out. The colour and the size of your annotations can be personalised to make your analysis clearer.

Measuring tools

Codata Explorer enables you to measure several things on the displayed map:

  • A distance/length (one segment or several consecutive segments)
  • A perimeter
  • A surface area.

Select the type of measure you would like to perform, select the starting point with one click and then click on each possible angle of your polygon. Double-click by the final point of the measure.

Measure data appear superimposed.

Download and print

This menu allows you to choose between download in PDF or PNG format.

  1. The PNG format enables you to download the image of the map displayed on the screen.
  2. The PDF format enables you to make a choice between four formats: A4 and A3, landscape or portrait. When you tick the option "Enable preview", markers appear on the screen for each format. Selecting a format enhances the colour of the preview and enables you to drag the map with the arrows. You can thus optimise the centring for an optimum PDF download.

Map key

At the top right of the screen, a button enables you to display (or hide) the map key detailing each contents and pictograms used on the map.

It is possible to download this map key in PDF format.


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