Use the notifications
You will find on each of the index cards a "Report a change" button. If you have noticed an anomaly, error or failure, you will be able to access a form to report it to the Codata team.
Access to the notifications
Notifications are personal and can be accessed from several places:
- The userbar in the top right corner of every pages of Codata Explorer
- The "Notifications" menu of your subscriber area.
Consult and manage one's notifications
The detail of Codata notifications is displayed in a section of your subscriber area.
- A small envelope and a bold title mean that a notification has not been read yet.
- By clicking on the title of the notification, you will display its contents. The colour of the title will change.
- You can delete the notification with a specific button
- You can reopen a notification you have already read by clicking on "V" on the right of the title.